Tuesday, August 26, 2014

PPO1 hello and welcome you ... by following this link to an attempted synthesis popularizes about e

Hello inquiry and need help. For the first time this winter I'll put all my new CAP service. My heating contractor came to do and after a few rglages and explanations he operated the facility. C'tait Friday, 14 H, 20 H on the same day I just stopped ... it was too hot. I will recontact my heating but I think I'm going through container home plans it myself raliser some tests, but cel I need some ideas and your experiences. Context: ST1: water set point: What is ?? For now the sensor is plugged in to the water with the back of the PC 28 C set too high ?? too low ?? ST2: point temperature extrieure authorization engagement: What is ?? Pout now, branch on unr probe ext. with a reference 18C Too high ?? too low ?? P1: differential ST1: What ?? (Pout now value: 0.1) P2: differential ST2: What ?? (Pout now value: 0.1) slope: this is what ?? (Currently -0.4 value) Delay at startup: What ?? (For the time value 15 min) Here to start Thank you read everything, if you have any questions do not hesitate container home plans if you have any answers or info or links to educate me let me know thank you
Ta CAP heated water. The set ST1 indicates the value desired to return to the CAP. So that the CAP does not engage in hot weather, a thermostat prevents ST2 his boot above a certain value (here 18C). The diffrentiel a thermostat or rgulation is the difference in temperature between engagement and dclenchement (0.1 parrait me a little weak ....). I think the slope is the law that dfini the temperature of hot water depending on the temperature extrieure. The colder it is outside, the more water is hot. I think the delay on startup is the anti-short cycle the compressor (motor protection). However, it must have a room thermostat in your system! If the temperature container home plans rises too much, the room thermostat may be rgl too high.
Thank you for your clear and accuracy of RESPONSE with other information I can do testing. After going through several forums I think I'm not the only one with this concern for rgulation
Hello The theme of this forum is quite strange. It talks about theory, but when you walk into practice, there is no one! Yet the goal of a good rgulation also consume less, so less poluer, container home plans right? And nobody seems to know move from theory to practice, or so I tromp topic. best regards.
And nobody seems to know move from theory to practice, or so I tromp topic. Maybe because a lot of people on this forum spend more time discouraging the use of elec heating base than trying to optimize container home plans ... The topic is the environment and ecology 'and the CAP rather CONSIDERED here as 'not container home plans very ecological' because based elec. Good luck in your research
Yes, you are certainly right. Poutant the people of this forum must also be heated in the winter? I do not think they all have the sun (not statistically container home plans propable) So whatever container home plans the energy used, why not try to optimize container home plans it? Sincerely PS: What is the topic that you think is the most appropriate, thank you.
PPO1 hello and welcome you ... by following this link to an attempted synthesis popularizes about everything that is said here on our forum ..... you learn that its all CAP nfastes and also polluting and expensive fossil in a boiler nergtique resources, and more public-eating credits (badly Distribus unfortunately)! But mostly it helps dtourner people real solutions ,, or rather, the true axes of reflection "should not seek alternative heating (real this time), we must look for alternatives to heating container home plans ... "discussing this same initial link, but it takes you to read it first for better apprhender these various son ... http: ... //forums.france3.fr/france3/cot UBJECT-366-1.htm from the N13 contribution speaks base gothermie but the case is agrav with CAP arothermique ... good reading ... and invests in laboratories pharmaco include aspirin ...
I forgot, here we are not talking qu'conomie, we do not talk no more than ecology ... we made sure to speak only of coNOlogie .. and exclusivment. conologie and real ... not the good makeup container home plans false ...

Floor heating gothermie
Rgulation Heating

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