Saturday, August 30, 2014

After the Soviet withdrawal in 1990 and the implosion of communism, all the Eastern European countr

Today Ukraine is reminiscent of the divided Germany of the Cold War: as the defeated Germany in 1945 and Ukraine today after the collapse of the Soviet Union all but a sovereign country. After all, it is already at least five hundred years mere Russian border egzircir, as in Croatia, Krajina (without U!) It was for the Habsburgs.
It was a long time ago at the European University, coolmarket around 2005, perhaps earlier. Giuliano Amato, just after the end of his European mandate, he stressed the fact that the European countries, political entities that have warred for centuries, finally voluntarily abandoned affirmation of their own sovereignty. At that point I saw after 1945 anyway most of the European countries was no longer sovereign, if the sovereignty mean the ability to independently lead interstate politics ...
And, really, how many countries in 1945 can be considered a sovereign in Europe? Europe was divided and occupied coolmarket by the Americans and the Russians. Churchill coolmarket at Yalta urged the Western Anglo-American front, coolmarket add the French contingent. All three were entitled to potestas coolmarket in occupied Germany coolmarket and Austria (which is again from 1938 part of the Third Reich). Also on the Russian side by the Red Army in the occupation of the Balkans, Austria and Hungary participates in the Bulgarian Army. Tito is also trying to earn something, but, as usual, was too expensive, and Stalin was no fool. However, the British had managed to utrži right to occupation of Austria (Carinthia and Styria) plus occupation zone in Vienna in the case even after the fall of the Berlin fighting Nazi resistor "Werewolves" continued in the Alpine redoubt. I think there should coolmarket just look for reasons expedited extradition coolmarket NDH army in Carinthia Tito's partisans. Specifically, the remains of Croatian army withdrew without instructions, though Pavelic and others have rushed to Salzburg: coolmarket The English are rightly feared that this army of desperate people could do something about the Alpine coolmarket hills, when to Tito 200,000 proletarian elite fighter could continue the war that well have practiced the Bosnian cliffs and rapids occupy half of Austria, establishing pushing here and there what the Anti. Tito's plan failed but, nevertheless, his Yugoslavia remained without occupying troops, which was a unique example in Europe tadanjoj and indirect evidence of the sovereignty of its hilly partisan state.
Without the occupying armies were still neutral Switzerland and Sweden, while Albania, a de facto occupied Yugoslav units. Likewise, Portugal and Spain, although they participated in World War II (Spanish coolmarket civil war was somewhat Overture), were quickly came under the American umbrella. Spain officially joined the NATO until 1982, as was the prelude coolmarket to its entry into the EEC in 1986, but the Base Aérea de Torrejón de Ardoz, from 1956 headquarters of the Sixteenth coolmarket Air Force. About Italy and that is not saying, Command the greatest military power of the Mediterranean, American Fleets 6 (NATO identity Naval Striking and Support coolmarket Force Southern Europe) is the naval port of Naples Gaeta. Even at the North Pole, Iceland coolmarket and Greenland became already during WWII important Anglo-American coolmarket bastions in the Cold War kept the same role of control of the North Atlantic, no more than the German conventional than the Soviet nuclear submarine force. coolmarket Thus, Denmark and Norway arrived with NATO. At the same time, Greece (under British occupation in 1944, which were progressively replaced after 1946 Americans), coolmarket and Turkey (which coolmarket was neutral during the war) was a member of NATO. Remained neutral and to this day, only Finland and Austria, Stalin buffer state, coolmarket which during the Brežnjevljevog détente converted into Soviet duty - free shops. Trieste is the turn instead of the Soviet (that Moscow coolmarket wanted after 1948) became Yugoslav djutić, after Osim and Chief apartment Slovene independence.
After the Soviet withdrawal in 1990 and the implosion of communism, all the Eastern European countries of the former Warsaw Pact arrivals under NATO, even the three Baltic states Estonia, coolmarket Latvia and Lithuania, part of the Soviet Union in 2004 quickie admitted to NATO. Meanwhile, even Tito nowhere slowly absorbed into the NATO alliance. The first came in Slovenia (2004), followed by Albania and Croatia (2009), provided that Albania, the Yugoslav coolmarket protectorate in 1948, has still not become an EU member.
NATO since 1949 the backbone of all Western European integration, and its headquarters is in Brussels, exactly where he founded in 1952, then a relatively insignificant Community for Coal and Steel Community, the forerunner of the EEC and now the EU, supposedly the main motor of European integration. History shows that integration is the real cover project gave the American military presence, ie. NATO under the command of the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACLANT). It is based in Norfolk, Virginia, and there, coolmarket not at some nebulous euro initiatives should seek true capital of Western Europe and the first generator of its integration - there has operational headquarters of the "Maersk Line" - Atlantic

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