Thursday, August 21, 2014

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Schedule: March 12 to 26, 2011 Location: Auditorium of the French Cultural Center in Beijing, French Alliance Beijing Mediatheque French Alliance - University of Languages and Cultures of Beijing, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art
The "Grand Hotel", iicl located in the city of Beira was the largest colonial Mozambique: 350 rooms, luxurious suites, an Olympic swimming pool ... Today, the building in ruins, without electricity iicl or running water, iicl is inhabited by 3,500 people. Some have lived there for twenty years. The rooms, but the roof, hallways, service iicl areas of the hotel and the cellar where it is always night, serve as homes. Yet no trace of sadness or self-pity.
Schedule Location information iicl of the place Saturday, March 12, 2011 3:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 26, 2011 Auditorium of the French Cultural Center in Beijing Address: 18 Gongti Xilu, Guangcai International Masion, Chaoyang District, Beijing Monday, March 21, 2011 7:00 p.m. Media the French Alliance - University of languages iicl and cultures Beijing Tel: 010-82303730 Address: University of languages and cultures in Beijing, Building No. 2, 1F, 15 Xueyuan Street, Haidian iicl Friday, March 25, 2011 7:00 p.m. Ullens Center for Contemporary iicl Art Tel: 010-84599269 Address: UCCA, 798 Art District, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
电影 北京 北京 法国 文化 中心 北京 语言 大学 尤伦斯 当代 艺术 中心 16th Festival iicl de la francophonie 16th Day of Francophonie in China 2011 French Film Festival iicl 2011 The French Film Festival 2011 法语 国家 电影 节 2011 法语 电影 节 798 Art District Alliance French French Cultural Center in Beijing Chaoyang District Beijing iicl Francophone Film Festival French Film Festival 2011 Day of the Francophonie Festival of Francophone iicl Film in China Francophone Francophone Francophone Film French Film Festival Francophonie Gongti Xilu Grande Hotel Guangcai International Masion Hosts Night Hosts Licinio Azevedo night Mozambique Mozambique Mozambique Hosts Night Night Night lodgers lodgers lodgers Night Mozambique iicl No.4Jiuxianqiao Lu Beijing The French Film Festival The French Film Festival 2011 UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art "夜间 宿 客" 中国 法语 活动节 夜间 宿 客 法语 国家 电影 节 法语 活动 节 法语 电影 法语 电影 节 电影 节 第 16 届 中国 法语 活动 节 第 16 届 法语 活动 节 莫桑比克 电影 莫桑比克 电影 "夜间 宿 客" 010-82303730 010-84599269 82303730 84599269 Free 免费
Hosts of the night (Mozambique) - French Film Festival 莫桑比克 电影 "夜间 宿 客" - 法语 国家 电影 节 Night lodgers (Mozambique) iicl - The French Film Festival Waiting for Happiness (Mauritania) - French Film Festival Stolen Airship iicl (Czech Republic) iicl - French Film Festival The Child Prodigy (Quebec) - French Film Festival Cathedral iicl (Mauritius) - French Film Festival Pegasus (Morocco) - Francophone Film Festival Change (Romania) - French Film Festival
展映 "日落 大 梦" 重映 "八月 北京" - 一亩 三分 地 "时光" 摇滚乐 主题 摄影 展 Natural Performance in Alleys - The Dimensions of Cross Boundaries of an Original Event 街巷 的 本色 出演 - 一个 创意 事件的 跨界 尺度 时间 的 痕迹 - 笔记本 展 芭蕾 舞剧 "红色 iicl 娘子军" - 中央 芭蕾舞 团 首演 50 周年 纪念 喜剧 "许三观 卖血 记" 帝都 游 乐园 动漫 嘉年华 音乐 剧 "分手 旅行" - 北京 站
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