skepsys Greater Poland rcl tracking (Wielkopolska) - a historical region in the west of Poland in the center rcl tracking of Poznan. Your attention monograph Petrushynskay Hedwig (Jadwiga Pietruszyńska), published in 1936 in the University of Poznan. This is the first monograph on the history of the Greater dudas. It is based on many years of work zbiralnitskay Section Muzykalegii Paznanskaga University and Regional Phonographic the Archive with him. These historical sources describe the design of bagpipes and goat production and application rcl tracking features, musical structure, terminology, lists of pipers, distribution maps and a pair of sensible images. These types of bagpipes, as the actual "duda" (dudy) and "goat" (kozioł) are considered separately (only in Poland rcl tracking five (sic!) kinds of bagpipes). The book has 87 pages, 4 maps and 6 figures. Here are some of them: Greater duda The manual air bag zapampovvannya "White Goat" ("Goat Wedding") Distribution map of bagpipes and the degree of preservation of the traditions of the region Fife Download the book with Greater Digital Library: Dudy Wielikopolskie, 1936 (DjVu, 30.9 MB) PS A Belarusian bagpipes are still waiting for his monograph: (
Where the four species? Adnaburdonnaya, dvuhburdonnyya, matyanka. What else? Paired reed pipes (such Avlas), I would not take into account, to be honest. Is it as a prototype, the ancestor of the bagpipes. A duda-goat - I mean the kid is unhappy Lychkovskaya from the 70s crucified in REMe in St. Petersburg? Well then Kulpinsky bagpipes need to allocate a separate subspecies ;))
These kinds of what I had in mind. In Nikiforovsky tool without fur, too, is a subspecies of the bagpipes. And about the "goat" just recalled a conversation with a deer, where he talked about fixing somewhere under Miory story of tune with goat skull above the pipe.
One such Lychkovskaya bagpipe wizard rcl tracking (wizard kid with a skull) rcl tracking hangs in the Russian Ethnographic Museum. Mid 70s. Only a master with a Cherykavshchyny Chausov then ... I do not remember. It is necessary to look. Nazina about this wizard, a lot of writing. Still can not crawl into the hands of the community to hang pictures of this kid in my beads :)
is a pan Elk told a different story ;) If you like bagpipes were well-known in Poland, it is not inconceivable that duda this type could occur in our country. Who brought a saw, and his mind could be reached.
Lychkovskaya of June under the one pipe that hangs in Pitsyary (long considered when I was in REMe) more reminiscent of the aesthetics of the Balkan bagpipes. Another rcl tracking duda Lychkovskaya seems to hang in the Institute of Ethnography, it is a little closer to the tradition, the only horn cars.
The funny thing is memory. rcl tracking Here he wrote from memory and was sure that something in the "W". Now the house looked archive - not exactly Chavusy and Cherikov :) Wood, head and skin of a goat, cane, metal, plastic, glass beads. Master I. I. Lychkovskaya. 1970s. Belorus (with one "s"!) Cherven. Belarusians. And a pipe to the sound of something that is missing. That ragavnya or just pranks. I wonder what happened to.
"Vetah" "Rarog", "Rosalia" "Stary Olsa" cornucopia donis essa ghb pragnavit testamentum terrae tylos labanoro Oksana Kostjan Curba Ales Ales Ales Jura Elk England Braslaw Valery Zinkevich Vyacheslav Kolotsey Vilenschina Vitebsk and Grodno region Gvidas rcl tracking Carpet Georgia Germany Hippius Dry Dennis Fife Fife Club Festival Dmitry Dmitry Sosnowski Sydorovych Christmas Kasia Radzivilova Kulpin Logoyschina Latgale Latvia Lithuania Moldova Nazina Nikiforovsky Dvina Palace Polotsk region Pinsk Poland SEM Russian media Sakharov rcl tracking Scandinavia Slavchyk Smolensk Stas Stas Jags Chaus TMKB Todor Kashkurevich Vladimir Fedorov Puzynya charlatans Scotland Sweden Shpileuski Estonia Yuras Pankevich alert adnaburdonnaya duda fathers article archive Materials audio authenticity authentic bagpipes fable Belarusian duda abroad bagpipe vytinanka image pipers bagpipes video image of a tree Dudarkov Dudari dudnichki dudelzak jokes painting goat tales concerts competitions somersault lectures and seminars splint linguistics literature moderator rcl tracking master the art of fiction rcl tracking materials for language matyanka bagpipe bagpipe rcl tracking museum mythology purchase tune music events required Dudari stamps postcards songs proverbs sayings ditties reporting repertoire review system bagpipes community contemporaries chants by Doudou workshops and master classes syarenyavechcha dancing dancing at stumps terminology technique rcl tracking impressions folklore photo photo of bagpipers bagpipe festival ethnography illustrate the triumph of the interview
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