Thursday, November 7, 2013

Free Studio iso container Guest on Freedom Online iso container Conference Custom Candidate

Lukashenko: Only an idiot would say that I turned to the West
Shqip عربی Հայերեն accident Azərbaycanca Nohchiyn BiH / Hrv / Srb / CG Belarusian دری ქართული English rferl . org Circassians Kyrgyz Kazakh Makedonski پشتو افغانستان پاکستان فارسی Româneşte Toҷikӣ Tatar Turkmen Ukrainian Vzbekcha Russian Russian Kazakhstan Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia iso container Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan
Free Studio iso container Guest on Freedom Online iso container Conference Custom Candidate
Where and how to listen
"I welcome you to your Belarusian land. We - the people iso container of the north, like the rest mainly Russia ...." On the culture I remember a meeting iso container with Belarusian writers. Came to me: Do not give out, do not print. I say, who wrote "War and Peace"? They called me the author. I say I know myself. Since you who wrote it? Nobody. Put me on the table, "War and Peace" tomorrow I'll give a million copies. " What I'm going to give your combat leaflets. So it is not my function. I give a "War and Peace." In an extreme case, "Virgin Soil Upturned." If the state, which I direct, has a high level of culture, it can not call itself civilized. And I want my country where I - the first president, the first man - was civilized.
If you think we are underdeveloped, which may be a union? ... Do you want it? On the principles of classical and fair? Promised that the Soviet iso container ruble is not abandoned. Thrown. We have accumulated a Soviet rubles, and Yeltsin brought the Russian iso container ruble. Anyone with these rubles we were not needed. And today we say: we'll give you the Russian ruble. And I say to Putin: Yes, we already ate. I mopped it. This is alarming. So I ask the question: why do you immediately offer the Russian ruble? Why did you move away from it? Who are you afraid of? Or you snobbery that you are big and we are small? Then you should not deceive us or himself. If you think we are underdeveloped, which may be a union? About half a billion credits given our enemies that we hated - the International Monetary Fund. About me I was born
He took the gun, I'm telling you, where tselishsya, and you get there ... We have only two Glock pistols, and then only in the security service. Recently, the president of the Russian Zavidovo showed me a new gun Yarigina. Perhaps one of you in his hands did not hold. The magnificent thing: where tselishsya, and you get there. In general, I was amazed, I military man. I took this gun, this is the most hated my arms and I am always a bad shot with a pistol. He took the gun, I'm telling you, where tselishsya, and you get there. I was amazed. I come to Sochi. He pulls out of his pocket and says, "I give". Six months later, he gave me the gun with all the paperwork. The beautiful thing. There are problems about the crisis only in giant factories. We do not throw away thousands iso container of people. Unemployment is at almost the same level. Now the crisis of confidence? Where it came from. We have flared up people. People skukozhilas. But in the media have created. Mafiosi have created. At the heart of the crisis is corruption - I first said it. The Americans iso container buried a trillion dollars in Iraq. Who is calculated? The whole world. I said there is no crisis can its people. Davbali me for it. I said there is no crisis iso container in Belarus. In the sense that it is not necessary for this bavtats and should work. For 8 months, we have counted half a percent drop in GDP in high levels of the past. Ukraine asks meat and milk. Russia asks sell milk, we will have problems in the fourth quarter. iso container I tell them we have promised to Ukraine. They are to me, we're iso container closer. I Putin warned: do not fight with us, when the peak - all the cows are milked. We have an army of about 150,000 want to have an army of about 50-60 thousand troops. But contrary to double the combat capability. Children in the family business, a family. If you are a statesman, iso container they have to be on your public service. They can not be businessmen. Well, imagine my son a businessman. Well, clearly, that would be a success. And I do not need to call anyone, talk and support. Last name for itself will speak. No close relatives in the business should not be. A desirable and far. No person in President Lukashenko, his children, relatives, close and distant businesses are not engaged. We do and can not, but you can. About business and politics is politics is business. There's the rules, here on your own. There's one thing different here. Mix up the business to politics, politics will come in with big pockets,'ll play by the rules of the policy. Therefore, there is no such that a businessman got into politics. It can pull

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