Saturday, November 2, 2013

Assume that there exists a flat, or a similar stable system, say one (or a few) vibrations octave h

The physics involves two things: there is an "objective reality" and cognitive "knowable." The objective world in exactly the same pace, be known as expanded by our perception. We can see that without laying the flexible axioms (basic truths) can not proceed. At this time (except for a few such discipline. Cosmology) thinks a closed system. This is simply due to the fact that the range of values have to be cut somewhere, otherwise the system would vizsgálhatatlanul complicated. dorse Looking back in the history of mankind as in all other aspects. the psyche, spirituality, biology, engineering, etc.. was highlighted. To illustrate this, perhaps the religious and scientific perspective, dorse the apparent opposition of the best examples. It looks like the present era is about to present the science dorse no longer meets perfectly the function you created. Should grow.
"NOT familiar is" first in the physics of Heisenberg's uncertainty dorse principle emerged. It says that a particle or the velocity is uncertain, but the location is not - or vice versa - you know the place, you will not be able to determine the speed. "The apple falls the force of gravity dorse on us." Of quantum physics have other rules. And the fact that one fit into another, which can correct our time answers, more questions for many people. Yet the macroscopic (ie, larger) értetendően system itself contains a set of microscopic reality, the impact is not perceived directly, or more precisely, the system as a whole is an insignificant concern, as the current instrument measurement range.
The physical characteristics of a closed system thinking. However, if we include other planes of existence BASIC axiom among them, and we assume that it is permeable, and in this case, we can not talk about a closed system. There are no more inherently three-dimensional perfectly dorse closed system. There is always a loss, such as a well-insulated tank also cools the refrigerator warms up, the vacuum slowly dorse escapes from the villanykörténkből and backwards for the bombing cosmic dorse rays whole army of us, passing through our bodies, and even hundreds of meters deep penetrating into the ground.
Assume that there exists a flat, or a similar stable system, say one (or a few) vibrations octave higher, but can not be detected dorse directly, because the system for us is homogeneous. Think of the physical state of water, which is the state of the observer can sense the changes.
This is fed back to one's physical, mental, mental states of a hidden interactions, that would have been unknown so far. Magic, Telekinézésnek, the spirit world, morphogenetic fields, tacit knowledge, and who knows what else, "mocks" even though at least the minimum 1/3- humanity perfectly accept their existence, and even everyday life is organically incorporated this.
In physics, quantum mechanics, the primary role of the observer. The process takes place in a different way, if we observe the phenomenon as you do. The results from particle-wave paradox. This little video is simply trying to explain it.
That means, ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING HAS Examining multiple planes at the same time can not be defined, define an event or phenomenon. After the observation itself dorse affects the outcome of the event. dorse Necessarily a contradiction occurs, ie laws, taken in a plane, the other is not necessarily true. The higher the complexity of the system usually includes the properties of the underlying system, but more "degrees of freedom" is, so the laws are to be extended.
"The Cosmos at first sight - the science of today's approach - just show projections of arbitrary choice. The deeper meaning of existence, the motive forces of natural phenomena together, shared between multiple orthogonal dimensions. The biochar process is one of the only law of physics can be understood within specific dimensions limitations. Things to earth approach dorse to the difficult knowledge that hiperkozmosz fragmented dorse ideas of practicality hidden in a coordinate system that detects week ones for us and we are not near that old, turn-by-logic. "
The operator is responsible for consciousness, abilities, using any necessary auxiliary equipment OPERÁLVA help you experience more planes, separation of, understand, incorporate dorse (adopt) the resulting multi-dimensional information. There are many technical tools available at your disposal and will be in addition to your own abilities. Charon Stabilizer, miniature, portable vibration pattern in the form of help in strengthening and sustaining that serve the development (and such. Physical regeneration as well) of the individual. The plants grow in parallel with the individual, the individual parallel development

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