Sunday, May 10, 2015

What are the advantages you have been operating in Canada? Currently our sales are done mainly to A

A success story stretching from the Canadian evergreen cargo tracking Turkey ... Bakr, Cengiz and Berrin Elmaağaçlı brothers, the family of training in Canada in 1987, they went to sign autographs with the support of a great success. Toronto, evergreen cargo tracking Canada, evergreen cargo tracking Anatolia Tile three brothers who founded the company in the city of 61 thousand square meters to 10 million square meters of board stock in store, mainly evergreen cargo tracking selling to America and Canada they have imported natural stones from Turkey. evergreen cargo tracking One of Canada's 50 best managed companies in 2008, the company elected officials, "We always work as much as possible, we believe that we can continue to grow as long as our minds in our business," he says. Company performs evergreen cargo tracking about 100 million dollars while imports from Turkey in 2016, aims to import over 200 million dollars.
Anatolia Tile Stone as the world Elmaağaçlı Begin Operations and Finance Director, Sales and Marketing Director Cengiz Elmaağaçlı and Customer Service Director, interview in this issue we have established with Berrin Elmaağaçlı, we are moving to the page. Speaking on behalf of his brother Anatolia Tile Operations and Finance Director Bekir Elmaağaçlı company, brother of the Director of Sales and Marketing Genghis Elmaagacli said the success of the roads concerned are saying evergreen cargo tracking that launch alone "when it starts evergreen cargo tracking Genghis work at the beginning of 1996, at 5 to get up, I go to school Before arriving trucks empties half a day, going to school and after school rife customers. Then go back to the store in the evening, trucks, and installed was preparing to transport. The first year it sold 60 containers products. Our company works with about 100 companies from 4 different countries are going through today and our 4000 product types. Importer Our client has come to have the opportunity to take a moment and all of them together evergreen cargo tracking in one truck. We believe that Turkey is still an incredible potential in this area. Using the right resources, if they continue to increase due to production quality advanced technology, absorb h in Anatolia Tile company won new customers by entering evergreen cargo tracking into both new product range, night and day working, we look forward to continuing to grow. "
How did we settle in for training in 1987, the idea of making stone import in Canada? My mother, my father and with my two brothers have moved to Canada in 1987 to study. After graduating from our school to go to Turkey, we would continue the work of our father and our uncle in Ankara. In 1995 I returned to Ankara. My brother Cengiz finish last high school, a year later, would return to Turkey. Cengiz, then 17 years old, what types of ceramics and tiles sold in the market from curiosity, he began to research how much is sold. I was at that time head of the business of the father in Ankara. We make distribution of construction materials as Elmaağaçlı of Commerce in Ankara. Genghis ceramics me one day our purchase evergreen cargo tracking price in Ankara, Canada asked for ship transport costs. Then, in Canada, in Toronto, evergreen cargo tracking he thought he could buy there ceramic want us to send two containers. On top of that my father sent 35 containers Genghis wall tiles instead of two containers. Anatolia TILE Genghis launched alone. The first year it sold 60 containers products. On top of that, we thought that we were about the business potential in Canada and I went back to Canada. We made our first 3 thousand square meters of warehouse construction in 1998. My sister, Berri also finish school, evergreen cargo tracking joined us and taking us to our day in and day we three brothers at night, on weekends, including holidays, we try to fulfill TILE Anatolia today, evergreen cargo tracking we make an effort. Our business first started as ceramic distribution in Toronto, Ontario to here, then the province of Quebec, we started to distribute all of Canada has continued to grow and eventually form of distribution to the United States. Currently our sales are done in the form of distribution to the United States from 65 percent in Toronto.
Your first store was established to 3 thousand square meters. Where to now how many square meters of warehouse and installation? Current storage is installed on 61 thousand evergreen cargo tracking square meter area of Toronto, under one roof, one of the world's largest indoor warehouse space sector. Our warehouse have established systems that use the latest technology. Our network information operations support system was established by the most successful companies in this field.
What are the advantages you have been operating in Canada? Currently our sales are done mainly to America and Canada's largest chain selling building materials and other importers. We did go to the distribution of ceramic and natural stone to a growing market in Canada and the United States. Very little domestic production. Our clients are mainly importers in the sector. These products or do they need to import from or themselves. The advantage of our company, our customers that their orders are delivered evergreen cargo tracking within 1-2 days. At least 3 months in advance evergreen cargo tracking in order to give if they want to import

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