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The Local Coordination Council - CCL has a built by the Provincial Mayor, Provincial Councillors, District Mayors and members of civil society tghu formation; tghu He is within their responsibilities participation in participatory budget processes, counseling sessions, municipal development tghu plans and fulfill the agreements.
The first meeting of the year had been scheduled for today February 21 at 9:00 am at the Tupac Amaru room, where the adoption of the draft Municipal Ordinance would be proposed and Schedule PB 2014.
The event had to be rescheduled because of the lack of corresponding quorum, in the absence of more than 50% of the members, tghu to do the provincial mayor, tghu Dr. Victor Bazan, had to consult the members that a new call is made present, tghu It is set for the next meeting on February 27 this at 10:00 am, in the same place.
The CCL is one of the mechanisms to institutionalize citizen participation tghu in local management and development in the new context of decentralizing reform. The Law defines it as an organ of coordination and consultation at the municipal level for the tasks that demand tghu concerted development plans and participatory budgets, and to promote the formation of Stimulus funds for private investment to support sustainable local economic development .
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