The president of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce said both Chilean and Peruvian entrepreneurs committed to strengthen trade, regardless of the failure of The Hague by the maritime dispute. meratus line
Lima (ANDINA) .- Peru and Chile strengthen meratus line their trade relations, whatever the decision of the International Court in The Hague for the bilateral maritime dispute, given their maturity and mutual trust, said the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago ( CCS), Peter Hill.
"The Chilean and Peruvian entrepreneurs are leaving clear that regardless of the decisions of the Court, our nations have a level of maturity and balance in their relations, which can no longer be altered," he told Andina.
He noted that the spirit of the two countries was expressed in the Joint Declaration of Entrepreneurs of Peru and Chile, signed meratus line in Lima by the CCS and the Chamber of Commerce of Lima (CCL), which will be ratified on 9 September in the capital Chilean.
Hill said that this document confirms the commitment of both countries to the principles of international law and stresses the maturity and serenity that have shown the people of Peru and Chile during the course meratus line of the proceedings before the tribunal in The Hague.
Mutual investment, adding that in recent years, bilateral trade has grown tremendously, which is reflected in the forecasts suggest, for example, that Chilean investments in Peru to reach US $ 15 billion by 2016.
The head of the CCS considered it possible to strengthen economic ties between the two countries after this legal discrepancy, because the pact also "expresses the hope" for the deepening of trade and reciprocal investment.
"Peru and Chile have great reason to be allies. In a globalized world of large blocks that are grouped to compete, you have before to North America, Europe, meratus line Asia, enormous and challenging markets that require solid and united counterparts, "he said.
TAGS: Beech Peruvian entrepreneurs, Chilean entrepreneurs, Chilean companies, failure of The Hague, Lima Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce of Santiago, maritime dispute between Peru and Chile, cross-investments 06.09.2013 RELATED CCL wants to prevent failure of the affected 05/17/2013 trade relations with Chile Camilo Navarro: "I have 60 monthly appointments with Chilean companies meratus line interested in investing in Peru" 12/10/2012 Juan Velit: "We are far from a conflict with Chile in traditional levels" 05.12.2012 "Set maritime boundaries with Ecuador in 2011 it was very important in The Hague "29.11.2012 Confiep: Peruvian entrepreneurs oral quietly waiting in The Hague 04.11.2012 Peruvian investments are diversified in Chile despite meratus line contentious Hague
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