Monday, December 23, 2013

- If the parents should have known that they would run on a public road, there can be no liability.

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The owners of the five-ton Unimog, which simultaneously are the parents of one of the four crashed boys may be punished assess criminal justice expert, lic.jur. Vang Greve from Copenhagen Business School.
- Parents do have a general duty of supervision, and it does not mean that every time the kids are doing something illegal, so parents can be held liable. But in the case that parents have seen that in the past and the apartment has been running for a place where it is forbidden, meaning they failed to ensure that keys etc. are put away, or otherwise secured against it in the future, they will be held accountable also, through inaction, says Vagn Greve to
- If the parents should have known that they would run on a public road, there can be no liability. But if you had no reason to believe that they would run there, that it had underlined the boys, and they had never done it before, so there is not necessarily any criminal responsibility in the case, assesses Vagn Greve.
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