Politics is not a set prerogative of anyone. All the people in a place are responsible for participating in the very country so susceptible achieve a regime gentle and consistent with consistency, in which the freedom of thought and obligations Respect other people's freedom schiffscontainer to be most elevated. -LTC-
In the new Hong Hao DzieĆ Gas has raised schiffscontainer the country's strong in the air right Xuan Quy Ty still Bluebird Nguyen Dac Kien past events and "statement of the Citizens Freedom" launched by Vietnamese youth Male, LTC invite you to read: + Series 3 posts following the separation of powers (by LTC, posted at May, 2012) to consolidate schiffscontainer the essential knowledge for a common cause of serious imminent country: ===> What is separation of powers? [Article 1] ===> What is separation of powers? [2 posts] ===> What is separation of powers? [Post 3] 2 + series of documents you violent revolution to overthrow communist government in Romania in 1989 to see a lot of similarities to the strange schiffscontainer history apart every quarter of a century between corporations atrocities schiffscontainer Ceaucescu Rumania and blood-group of three families schiffscontainer Vietnam, Hanoi: ===> Part I: the Romanian Revolution of 1989 (I) ===> Part 2: Treatment Ceausescu (II) --------- LTC, Saigon, Mar. 9, 2013--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(All information posted on Luan Saturday, December 29th, 2012 01:44) LTC: I almost quit wearing fellow schiffscontainer blog from Saigon and Hanoi anti-China rally Dec. 9, 2012 to this past. Because the information knows the hottest sauce you have many places to easily read news updates as BBC, RFA, BaSam, LTC DLB ... so just looking forward to presenting his critical comments concerning the overall situation of the country when the right opportunity at the right time. So stay updated LTC situation not overlook any small signal does. Signal? That I still self-identify as one of their own responsibilities with the home alarm thoughts and demise of communism in Vietnam. Inwardly I confirmed the Communist regime schiffscontainer of Vietnam Hanoi would no longer be alive much longer. It is certainly not debatable. Civilized world fast with greatly accelerated the slide pushed backward dictatorship lies backwards under acceleration and backward respectively. Let's calm observation and review highlights the upper face of the Vietnam Communist regime currently as follows. 1 - Tri religion: Communism is nothing more than an uneducated men, rapacity want the name of "revolution" in order to acquire national power to monopolize privileged spent eating alone (so it has been for Communism is the "squire super", "super-feudal"), schiffscontainer but to assess schiffscontainer psychological gullible and credulous like to believe in the promise "always in the future," the vast majority of public sentiment, the Communists hold hands as Stalin, Mao, and then according to their heels in Vietnam's Ho Kim in North Korea or the name of another scam yards in Eastern Europe ... has built out quickly camouflaged by sticking to a "reasonable theory schiffscontainer "we call" schiffscontainer mainstream "is Marxist Leninist, socialist, etc. .. a deathly blow-ups out how his account from Europe to Asia. So far, the communist schiffscontainer ideology, Marx Le, Socialism ... has been proven history of cruelty, schiffscontainer is of catastrophe for mankind. Today, most staff members do not even believe what VC on the doctrine that a blow-ups have been a "champion" is "forever" it used to be. As the word "religion" schiffscontainer all speak for themselves, the way the Communist regime is the way "unrealistic" even led to the massacre became apparent when the Tri religion schiffscontainer is false is the face of death, then all Our system remains under there must be a matter of time (1). 2 - Treatment can: organizational system, organizational structure rule, government organizations ... but the external appearance may scare the faint shadow chickened block, but in fact it is only a shell regime. A durable regime wants it to be the way, strategic rationality and crush his heart upon the sky, creating social justice. But the ruling apparatus of VC as testament to the value stated in the direction, that is when the soul is only fooling false deception ... that is derived from something that is not true, then the body side beyond just a burial instead. But in the political game, the zombies are now the "system" of VC mode is a burden, a weighted thrust makes near-death moments of the regime became more hurry up: The VC administrations from central to local mafia is a terrible organization, they attract anything to feed him regardless of where the top mass from being treated or where the fiscal regime treatment. The service staff members from small to large VC scrambling to snatch land from rural people schiffscontainer to better
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