Friday, March 21, 2014

In 2012 I was busy with Bring your own device, the book, the website and lecture flat rack after le

Digital flat rack literacy Bring your own device Open Barriers Digital Citizenship Neo-Luddism Technology A white man in a colored flat rack world Religion, spirituality and everyday life JWs Fragments Through the eyes of a writer Old projects Bring your own device LPI Netherlands Open 2.0 Open Source Learning Open Trends Opensource Learning flat rack Ancient Site Petition # ICTovergewicht education Ruminations flat rack on the Digital Realm Transparent Affairs Unlocking education, for growth without limits
Last Saturday we were in Dutch Open Air Museum, a museum that every few years is on our list. On-site where the old tram trams run for their satisfied laps. Lies This time there was no old tram waiting but very recognizable green-white tram RET I, yesterday it was still in my mind, in my high school drove. Even the line number was correct, line 5. This type of tram ran until 1985 in Rotterdam was the friendly museum conductor telling. And that was not the only nail that was beaten on Saturday. In my coffin In a number of Amsterdam pandjes stood an old billboard posters of a demonstration that, in my opinion, was not so very long ago. In Tilburg workers' furniture and belongings that were in the 70s in Rotterdam, in our house, to find. Were Includes a stroller that I was all too familiar. It was a strange sensation to see in the hushed museums ity. Topicality of life included Again a thought popped up on the thread can be called from 2013: "You're getting old John." It was a special year. 2013: the year of the free will
One of my mottos is: "Life flat rack is a collection of fragments. It is up to us to write "the story. What we experience in life is to influence. Only to a certain extent How to deal with the events, regardless of whether we have chosen for themselves flat rack whether they happen to us, coping is a product of free choice, a choice in the opportunities available to us as a result of our talents, experiences, emotions, et cetera. I do not believe in predestination, in an inevitable fate. Predestination is a human prism through which you are going places. Fragments in a negative narrative I have nothing with it. I believe in free will as the foundation of human existence. Free will is at the core of my beliefs along with the notion flat rack of personal responsibility and give the resulting shape of my community involvement. This is my target, and it makes for a positive narrative.
In 2013 I got this prism, this awareness, focus on my retina. It was in the positive sense keen on preparing the lecture "Foot in the door of conscience" in talks with Foster care about our "fitness" as foster parents and when writing Hypeocratie. It was also put on edge by a juvenile court that definitely was not happy that Jeugdzorg a 16-year-old girl (myself Jehovah's Witness) with a foster family of Jehovah's Witnesses had placed a preference of the girl herself. I was, am still pretty angry at the judge, her attitude and her unspoken opinion that a girl of 16 should have no will. Regarding her religious preference flat rack Anyway, it was part of a major storyline, the line of free will, personal responsibility and social commitment. 2013: the year of the creative flat rack (and commercial) destruction and renewal
In 2012 I was busy with Bring your own device, the book, the website and lecture flat rack after lecture. In the first quarter of 2013 that ran fine on, with a number of business deals for the topic further work. Behalf of commercial entities I have those offers, after much deliberation, repulsed. The main reason was that I really wanted to work with Hypeocratie, I mentally space I needed it. I also notice that attaches great importance to my "status" as an independent "expert", as someone who is not tied to commercial interests. Really rich I will not be with that attitude, but I'm not going to write to get rich. It felt like destroying a piece of extra income, because after Q1 commercial was a lot quieter.
Making flat rack room for Hypeocratie also meant saying goodbye to my active involvement in the HCC. In 2013 I was in a task force to work scenarios. For the future of the HCC I do not go to our advice and how it has gone further with it in various forums. All Arda Gerkens and admiration for her commitment to give despite hufterige treatment incurring of-my view, too many old, gray men must HCC a survival

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