Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I, trying to find my way to make Web site as a dummy. A designer has done most of the work for me,

I, trying to find my way to make Web site as a dummy. A designer has done most of the work for me, I really want to now change a few little things. So I would like to have an extra purple line under my website. This should be longer than the white line I have now figured out that it is with the <HR> code, I can also adjust the thickness. This should be: And this is what I get now: The color do not change, which remains white. This is the code I have now ingetyped: <hr style = "border: 0px solid rgb (51, 102, 153); width: 100%; height: 3px; color: # 2e1a2c; background-color: rgb (255, 255, 255); "/> HTML color # 2e1a2a wants Furthermore, the line no longer than 100%. The problem is I think in my footer, which is 917 pixels wide, so the line also. However, if I make it 1000 pixels wide, lines the extra megapixels just right out, it is not. centered Who can help me? It really is a dummy question, the solution will fix very simple ...
Day, probably the color does not change just because you change the color of the border to 0px thick (or when he does not exist). Change the color and background color to get optimal results these are still on (255, 255, 255), this is white. Furthermore, you can then alignment to "center" so the line nicely centered under each size, I'm iicl just not sure whether he will also center with a width> 100% neat <hr style = "border: 0px solid rgb (51, 102 , 153), width: 100%; height: 5px; color: rgb (255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb (255, 255, 255); "/> is more or less: <hr style = "border: 0px solid; align =" left ", width: 110%; height: 5px; color: rgb (<< iicl >> your rgb color); background-color: rgb (rgb color >> << you);" /> I hope this could help a bit. Sincerely, Bart
Hi Bart. Thanks for your comment. I'm still out there on the image above. <hr style="border: 1px solid; align="center"; width: 1000px; height: 2px; colour: rgb (24, 20, 255; background-color: (24, 20, 255);" /> This is the code I used, whether I put 110% in width or width 200000px, it remains to him as long as mn footer can no longer, at least I think that's where the problem lies. problem is that if I use the footer longer He wants to make the right longer and not centered, I do not align with each other ...
The biggest problem is that alignment will only work on the horizontal rule as long as the line is not beyond the content of the page. Since you're using a larger number iicl like 100% he will not use the align attribute. So if you want the horizontal rule falls outside the content, you will need to ensure that there is a kind of empty space for your content come. In this way, the former "content" of less than 100% and you can become the horizontal rule set at 100%. Sincerely, Bart
Because every time you are using <div> tags you css styles to be applied to these divs that you want to free up this space. I recommend you this to look at the following tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp. Furthermore, you must ensure that the horizontal rule that you want does not end up in such style, outside iicl the content otherwise it will happily move along. It is ultimately a lot less "simple line" but still doing good! Sincerely, Bart
Hi EquiPhoto, Oops! At this time there is actually little to say about it, because some with essential things in the HTML code and formatting are not mustache. Valid code on line 10 and 11 are brought in the style.css stylesheets and menu.css, can. The stylesheet menu.css not exist. On line 13, a <style> block opened in <head>, iicl can. But in the middle of the css is suddenly once again a link to the styles.css file: who should not be here (and is redundant). iicl Closely followed by four javascript calls that also allow cross between CSS rules: also forbidden! A flawless page is provided to make everything to your liking In this regard it is worth the trouble always to turn (here: 9 errors) html validator regularly, and the CSS validator (here: 8 errors CSS2.1, or 5 mistakes css3). No style mix Furthermore, there are scattered throughout the html also inline styles, you can. But now there are so tig at different places css rules, and the statement is thus easily lost. What I always do during the development of a site: put all the css in <head>. Storing the test version is thus always associated css aboard. At different html versions you never run the risk of an external stylesheet is used that does not correspond to the html version. And

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