Monday, March 16, 2015

The order specifies the size of the containers (80 to 120 liters, sistema containers less than 10,0

Today we go back a bit in history sistema containers to the meeting of trash Eugène-René. Who was this man? The prefect of the Seine in 1884. He is also the inventor of an object that we use daily, the Trash.
March 7, 1884, under the Third Republic, the prefect of the Seine-René Eugène Bin Signs prefectural on the removal of garbage, to fight against the waste pile in the streets of Paris. This order requires the Parisian owners to provide to each of their tenants a container for their garbage, and states: "From now on, garbage will be collected via a wooden container lined inside iron white, so that nothing can escape. These containers can also contain hot ashes without risk of fire. "
The order specifies the size of the containers (80 to 120 liters, sistema containers less than 10,000 g load), the presence of a lid, a handle sistema containers or handles, etc. After three months of deliberations, working in committees, and despite the opposition of dressers and hygienists, and following the City Council vote in Paris February 22, 1884, the official sistema containers bulletin of the city of Paris, dated March 7, 1884 published a new law entitled "Garbage Removal Regulations", also signed sistema containers by Bin Eugène-René, which removes the minimum sistema containers size of containers and specifies the procedures for using them. The rest of the Prefecture of the Seine follows gradually.
Since its creation, sorting is provided in three "containers" specific: a "common container" for "household waste"; "special container" for "Dishes debris, glass, pottery, etc. from private households '' special container "for oyster sistema containers and mussel shells.
As early as January 16, 1884, the critical Figaro "Trash Box" (with a capital letter). Very quickly, the "containers" are called trash. The word in 1890 in the supplement of Great Universal Dictionary of the nineteenth century.
Since Eugene trash, garbage collectors are responsible to regularly remove the garbage deposited on sidewalks sistema containers or in yards. They use a specialized vehicle (garbage truck), sistema containers the content is sent to landfills. Thereafter, it is usually in incineration plants that are permanently destroyed waste.
Soon, the use of bins will be needed in France in each municipality and each home and in all industrialized countries adopting the principle of garbage collection through a trash can.
In the twenty-first century, sistema containers the trash is a container with multiple shapes and colors, with a lid made of various materials sistema containers (usually plastic) and various dimensions. The most common volumes: 80L, 120L, 140L, 180L, 240L, 340L, 660L, 750L, 1000L, 1100L
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